But really...what am I doing during my free time? Hanging out with my friends, talking about art, wanting to be creative....it seems like I've found the ability to do just that- and be productive towards an amazing goal. So I think I'll be ok. Check back in June when my hair might turn white from stress. I might look good with white hair though.....so maybe it'll all work out.
Here is what work happened into the weekend:
Thursday: met with the AMAZING Matt Lescault-Wood, and tried my hardest to glean some of his superior photoshop knowledge in order to fine-tune our logo and work on future designs for postcards, websites, programs....etc. Here is what we (mostly he) created from my previous work:
It's cleaner, and it transfers to black and white with ease. The colors can easily be changed, and it is awesome! I'd proudly wear this on a T-shirt. (: Thanks for everything Matt!
On Friday Crystal and I worked hard to finish the puppets for our film. Then on Saturday the amazing Rich Soublet helped Crystal, Ashley, and I create our puppet film for this Friday's Adult Puppet Cabaret performance, by taking AMAZING pictures of our puppets in compromising situations. I wont give away the film, but here is a little snapshot of Rich hanging with the Brendan puppet:

Last, but certainly not least, the company- Sam, Brendan, Soroya, Crystal, Ashley, Patrick, Evan, and I had a little photoshoot for publicity purposes and for the help of constructing online marketing profiles. My amazing friend Aaron Rumley came out and took beautiful pictures of us hanging out, being jackals- and just trying to showcase some of our personality for the world. There will be many more to show off once I get our website and Facebook page up, and we are still going through all of them and picking out the ones we love the best (228 pictures and gold in all of them!)- but here are a few that have stood out so far:

Everyone gives great face in this one.

Well there you have it. That's all I've got for today.
Everyone should come out to the show on Friday! Support some fabulous local artists and check out CCDD's sneak peek! Check HERE for more information!