We had our second read-through on Friday, and though is was late in the evening, the energy in the room was really something beyond special. The additional actors that lent their voices to the reading just made my year with their ability to jump right in and love up on our work! Thank you Jacque, Kyle, and Wendy. And special thanks to Jacque and Kyle for committing to the production! Thank you for liking the script enough to want to stick with us for the long-haul! Wendy, I wish you were available...deep sigh.
For our physical scenes and couple o' dance numbers- we have an amazingly talented and innovative young choreographer who sat in on the reading to see if it might be her cup of tea to help out- and it is! It is so reassuring to have so many talented people excited about this project. The fact that no one has backed out is a GREAT sign! I also think the fact that nearly everyone stuck around after the reading for a couple of hours talking about the script, their parts, what they can do for the show, how excited they are....well, that is just a dream come true. I could not feel like this is the start of something special more then I do now.
I can reveal some more information on here.
We have a workshop reading of the script scheduled at Diversionary theatre on April 17th, and after that we will go into full-rehearsal mode to prepare ourselves for a run of the piece the last two weekends of June, and the first two weekends of July at 10th Ave. Theatre Downtown. We have a space!
All I need (as of now) is one more actress to fill one more role by January, and then we will be good to go! I am scheduling a photo shoot with my enormously talented photographer pal Aaron Rumley, so I can design a website and some postcards for the company.
I am looking into some start-up grants to potentially get some money for the production, and I am also conceiving a fundraiser.
There is so much to do...but it is certainly the start of something huge ladies and gentlemen. We gotta be starting something.
Still to come: Our mission statement and logo. The Mission Statement is something I am still toying with. What could get us grants? How are we coming off? Will people care?
And I am taking my time with the design of Circle Circle dot dot's logo. It has got to be amazing.
Ok, enough bragging. My insides feel like they may fall out of my butt.
Happy Holidays!