We have a potentially awesome opportunity to present a puppet piece for the Animal Cracker Conspiracy Adult Puppet Cabaret coming up at the Museum of Photographic Arts on the 28th!  If we can get our shit together and create a snippet that will be featured in our production happening this summer in time, we will be presenting and promoting the show on that night!

This is a big "if," as it is requesting us to get a very intricate part of the production done waay ahead of schedule-which would be great, but would make for a scramble of work to be done this month.  It will be up to our puppet Goddess Crystal, to see if she has it in her schedule this month to make that happen.  If not we will be at this performance, promoting somehow- maybe in our own makeshift Puppet Show.

Animal Cracker Conspiracy is so cool, and they seemed enthusiastic about us, so we hope to collaborate with them somehow in the promotion of this project as well as potentially with future productions.

Today was a practice round of puppet creations as Company members Sam, Ashley, Evan, Brendan (kind of), and I came to Crystal's home and worked on making Slutty puppets for what will be a stop-animation film made for the show.  Crystal had an abundant amount of supplies, and after we joked about her "Hoarder" status we got down to it.    Here we are at work:

This doesn't look like much, but this is the start of Ashley's puppet she entitled "Brrr".  Pronounced with a tongue roll, that I can't do.  But, like most of us, inspiration for her puppet started with the boobs.  Can you see them?

I too started my slutty puppet building with an emphasis on boobs.  Really, where else should I start?  We found old Egg cartons made for a very nice puppet rack.

Brendan took his position as resident nerd and worked at taking apart an old DVD player for potential puppet parts.  Brendan was also there as inspiration for the main puppet character in the piece.  Notice the lofty pile of puppets that Crystal brought out to share with us next to Lord Geekdom on the couch.

This is my puppet queen herself Crystal, working on her own puppet creation.  The hair was truly inspired.

Evan had a unique boob-creating technique.  Crystal seemed concerned.

This picture has really nothing to do with any puppet creating.  Just Sam, displaying herself birthing a dragon.  Like she does.

Here are the start of the proud slutty puppet creations!

Crystal's sultry lady!

As you can see, it was a proud day one for all of us.

Hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into our insanity!  The craziest thing is that all this work is literally going into about 2 minutes of our production.

Thanks to our  devoted group of artists who would dedicate their Saturday afternoon to this insanity.

I will keep you posted on whether or not we will get it all together in time for the 28th!