

Hi everyone!  I hope you have been enjoying the absolutely beautiful days San Diego is bringing us lately.  We flipping have.  The air, the sun, the days that seem to go on forever- this is what San Diego is all about.  Hopefully judgement day isn't really on May 21st so we can continue to enjoy it all. 


The past couple of weeks have been days off for us before we get cracking at actual rehearsals for "The Break-Up/Break-Down".  However, there has still been a ton of glorious work to do.  In these days we have been preparing as much as possible to get the script, the rehearsal schedule, the design elements, and everything else ready so we can focus on making theater magic for all of you.


Because you deserve it!  You all have been so supportive of this crazy endeavor and my heart can hardly handle all the kindness that we have faced while preparing for this project and new company.  


First, kickstarter.  Come on!  How on earth did we do that?  You!  Thank you.  We are still collecting all the information from our donors so we can get their incentives to them- so please, if you donated, please send your mailing address to, as well as your name, and the amount you donated.  We gotta get you back!  


Second, that fundraiser the other night was amazing.  People came out of the woodworks just to hang out with us on a Monday!  I am so thankful that any of you even care to do that.  You are reading what we say- you care, and you come.  Please keep doing that as we keep moving forward.  


And finally, to all who have connected and reached out to us with interest in projects in the future- thank you for this too.  Wow!  We are still developing who we are.  We have two concepts for shows for our next season already lined up.  In fact- we have already begun the process of interviewing a San Diego-based community for a production in November (gasp!), so we are always thinking, always interested, and totally grateful that you are interested in us too.  


That's all for today.  A little message of love and excitement.  I am so excited to get this first piece on and out- and am so flipping excited to be working and communicating with some of the most talented and wonderful people I have ever met, every day.  This is what Circle Circle dot dot will always be.   


Oy, I got a little sentimental.  Because that's how I roll. 


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Guest Blog Feature: Soroya Rowley!

On Monday CCdd held a fundraiser at the amazing Jake's on 6th wine bar in Hillcrest! Thank you again Jake's for letting us host it!  Here, Soroya recaps:

What do you get when you combine booze, break-up songs, food, and friends?  Only the funnest fund-raiser this side of Hillcrest! 

Monday night Circle gathered together at Jakes Wine Bar on 6th Avenue to entertain our beloved friends and neighbors while raising money for the company.  We played music, ate cheese, drank our weight in red wine all in the name of the theatre. 

 Thanks to Jakes on 6th for giving us a portion of their proceeds for the night.  I’m not usually one to brag but...we packed the joint. “It was like a Friday!” exclaimed Jen around midnight as we were packing up. Jen is both bartender and daughter to the family-owned establishment.


Highlights of the evening included a duet of “Hallelujah” by Artistic Director Katie Harroff and Technical Director Patrick Kelly.   Also a dance-off between Sam Ginn and Ashley Toolan to a cover of “Dancing On My Own” (by Robyn) played by yours truly with my BFF Andrew Steele.  The crowd thoroughly enjoyed Steve Schmitz’s rendition of “Hit Me Baby One More Time” by the one and only Britney Spears, and we closed the evening rocking out to talented Kyle Sorrell and his band with such classics as “F*CK You” by  Ceelo.


- Soroya Rowley


Thanks woman!  You were a highlight to the evening to me!  Here are a couple of pictures from the fun evening:


Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.


And here is a great video of Soroya performing:


And finally, just 'cause we gotta push it- there are only 2 days left on our Kickstarter campaign!  That means there are only 2 days to get your puppet, or your pre-sale tickets to our production this summer, among other lovely incentives to take advantage of!  We would beyond appreciate your support as we venture into this new world!  Check it out here: Circle Circle dot dot's Kickstarter!

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Fun, adaptations, and the end of kickstarter

Hi everyone! 

Our blog schedule is a little off, but I thought we should post a little update and take advantage of our BRAND NEW website!  Brendan has been working so hard on this little spot on the interwebs to better represent us.  It looks a lot better when you send grants an actual website instead of a wordpress site or facebook page.  It's time to wear our big-kid pants, and BRING IT in as many places as we can!  Thanks Brendan for all your work! 


We have a couple of things to chat about since the amazing success of our reading- and thank you everyone for coming out and giving us such great (and positive) feedback!  We are contemplating how we can take that feedback and turn this piece into a hit- but with your honest support we are closer! 


This was the closest we had of a "group shot" which is sad since half the group is missing.  But the handsome Phil Johnson joined the fun!   


For those of you who hadn't heard, our successful kickstarter campaign is nearing an end.  In ten days we will be a little richer thanks to our friends, family, and randos who decided they wanted to see what we had to make!  Thank you all so, so much again times a billion!  And for those who still want to grab some pre-sale tickets, a puppet in your likeness, or perhaps a party thrown for you by us- there is still time!  Hop on over now and we promise we will turn your money into a theatre baby.  Here is the link: Breakup/Breakdown Kickstater!


And finally, if you enjoy saving your money for social outings, rather then fundraising (which is understandable) we have made your life a little easier and combined the two worlds!  This up-coming Monday we will be hosting a party-fundraising-live music-extravaganza at our very favorite wine bar in San Diego, Jakes on 6th!  All you have to do is pop on over, hear some talented CCdd artists perform, drink a little, eat a little- and a portion of your fun night out will go to our future!  No one could possibly lose in this situation so we hope to see your smiling party face!  Check out the facebook link here: CCdd Fundraiser at Jakes!


Thanks for reading!  Feel free to poke around on our new site and expect more and more and more! 


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Guest Blog Feature: Company Member Evan Kendig!

If you came up to me right now and asked me how I was, I would reply  “Living the Dream” because that is exactly how it has felt since this group of close-knit-friends came together and formed the unstoppable force that is Circle Circle dot dot.


On the night of Tuesday, April 12, 2011 we as Circle Circle dot dot performed our first reading finally revealing to the public what secret weapon of comedy we have been building.  We were extremely nervous as we watched the house of the Diversionary Theatre slowly fill up with friends, local artists and theatre enthusiasts. Our apprehension quickly melted away with the first set of laughs that sounded during the “shadow-screen strip –tease” As the show progressed the laughter swelled and I swear some audience members were having trouble breathing, because they were laughing so hard. Scene by scene more and more laughter came and with each crowd outburst I became more and more proud and grateful to be part of this group of incredible artists.  Maybe it was the free wine that drew them but the audience members made the post-show reception last twice as long as the show as they started to pour out their own funny and absurd break-up stories and shared with us what were their favorite scenes of the production and suggestions for improvement.  The night came to an end and we (Circle Circle dot dot) found ourselves in the living room where it all started. With a beaming smile from ear to ear Katie said “This has been the greatest night of my life.” And with that, I can honestly tell you I know what it feels like when a dream comes true.

When Katie first had all of us come over and share our most embarrassing and absurd break-up stories, I don’t think we had any idea that the stories we threw on the table were going to snowball into such an incredible experience. 

 Circle Circle dot dot has rapidly become a dream come true for all of us.  This entire process has been fueled by the love of our art and the greater love for each other and it’s hard to not be excited when thinking about what greatness we are heading towards.


So… How am I?  My friends, I am Living the Dream.


-Evan Kendig

Thank you Evan.  That was very sweet!

On top of all the amazing things that happened this week, CCdd has officially hit our Kickstarter campaign goal!  It is still open, and we are still happily accepting donations for 16 more days!  Every cent of this campaign is going to the full production of “The Break-Up/Break-Down” performing this summer, as well as our future as a company- so please!  If you were planning on donating please do, and take advantage of our pre-sale tickets as well as any other fabulous incentives we have set up!  Check it out here:

And thanks to everyone who has allowed us to make our goal!  As well as everyone who made it our reading on Tuesday to help us sculpt our production!

The future is very bright indeed.

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Late blog!

Our blog will be a little late this week due to a very hectic (and exciting) schedule for CCdd. 

We will be posting on Thursday to keep you in the know and then will continue with our regular blogging schedule. 

Lots of love to our blog-followers!
