Hi everyone!
Our blog schedule is a little off, but I thought we should post a little update and take advantage of our BRAND NEW website! Brendan has been working so hard on this little spot on the interwebs to better represent us. It looks a lot better when you send grants an actual website instead of a wordpress site or facebook page. It's time to wear our big-kid pants, and BRING IT in as many places as we can! Thanks Brendan for all your work!
We have a couple of things to chat about since the amazing success of our reading- and thank you everyone for coming out and giving us such great (and positive) feedback! We are contemplating how we can take that feedback and turn this piece into a hit- but with your honest support we are closer!
This was the closest we had of a "group shot" which is sad since half the group is missing. But the handsome Phil Johnson joined the fun!
For those of you who hadn't heard, our successful kickstarter campaign is nearing an end. In ten days we will be a little richer thanks to our friends, family, and randos who decided they wanted to see what we had to make! Thank you all so, so much again times a billion! And for those who still want to grab some pre-sale tickets, a puppet in your likeness, or perhaps a party thrown for you by us- there is still time! Hop on over now and we promise we will turn your money into a theatre baby. Here is the link: Breakup/Breakdown Kickstater!
And finally, if you enjoy saving your money for social outings, rather then fundraising (which is understandable) we have made your life a little easier and combined the two worlds! This up-coming Monday we will be hosting a party-fundraising-live music-extravaganza at our very favorite wine bar in San Diego, Jakes on 6th! All you have to do is pop on over, hear some talented CCdd artists perform, drink a little, eat a little- and a portion of your fun night out will go to our future! No one could possibly lose in this situation so we hope to see your smiling party face! Check out the facebook link here: CCdd Fundraiser at Jakes!
Thanks for reading! Feel free to poke around on our new site and expect more and more and more!