Crystal has been a company member for a little over 2 months now, but we've been so busy we haven't gotten the chance to introduce her on our blog. Crystal, tell us a bit about yourself:
Crystal is a hottie!My name is Crystal Villalpando Brandan. I am a proud queer Chicano/a. I have a BA in Theatre Arts from San Diego State University. I am also a Licensed Massage Therapist. I have acted, directed, stage managed, and done some marketing for theatre both at SDSU and in the community. For the past 10 years I have worked hard to be an activist both for people of color and the Queer/LGBT community. I was a part of cultural and political organizations while at SDSU. My early participation consisted more of protests and marches, more recently I have worked with theatre to convey my message.
More than anything, I hope that my stories can help someone like me. I always wonder what life would be like if I had seen more people that I identified with in media and entertainment when I was growing up. I remember noticing that no one on TV or movies looked like I did. As a teenager I notice there was almost mention of the Queer/LGBT issues. Theatre offered me a medium that could tell the stories that I can relate to. New works inspire me to keep working in this crazy theatre world. I see theatre evolving much faster than TV and film when it comes to the content of cultural and political issues.
I hope my experience and background will be an asset to the Circle Circle dot dot family. I have fallen in love with everyone in this company and am excited about the future. Everyone has welcomed me with open arms and has made me feel welcome. The work we are doing is important and the passion every company member has for each project is infectious. I am honored to be a part of a team with so much endless talent. Thank you CCdd for being so amazing to me.
I would not be the person I am today with out the following people: abuelos (RIP), Mama, Yanina, Vanessa, the office guys, Will, GRL, Wastage, SDSU theatre people, ex lovers and formers enemies. Thank you!
We love you Crystal and are so happy to have you part of our team!