Howdy friends,

In our second year as a working Theatre Company we are still learning, still growing, and still working our butts off to make this wheel go around.  It ain't easy San Diego- but we love it, so we're doing it anyway. 

The other day we met with our new amazing Lawyer- John Barkley with Barkley Law Group to help get the ball rolling on the process of filing for our Non-Profit status- a very important factor in being a functioning Arts Organization- except if you're the Blue Man Group.  With a Non-Profit Status we can work our butts off to apply for Grants, recieve Tax-Deductable donations, and apply for many other resources that can help pave our way to making this Company stronger in this great city. 

Because of John's expertise and support we are in great shape to have this happen waay earlier than we had originally planned and this means so much to us. 

Until then, however- we must carry on.  Our next production "The Deconstruction of a Drag Queen" is being developed and will happen in April- no matter what our financial status is.  However, the state of the production is riding on our ability to raise significant funds.  High heels for a male size 13 foot are expensive! 

It continues to be important to us that we improve.  Our company didn't have ANY money starting out- we raised it all and continue to do that work again and again.  We held our awesome kickstarter, we hosted an amazing Morp, we worked for Jean Isaac's 'Trolley Dances', we have held countless fundraisers at our favorite wine bar Jake's on 6th, and now we are hosting a unique Valentine's themed evening with "Love Roulette" on February 11th.  Our fundraisers are small as we try to make them accessible to ALL our audiences- not just the ones with giant pocket books- but for the folks we identify with and who seem to care about our work the most.  We make these events affordable, and we make them fun and funky.  We hope that at the end of the night they seem less like a fundraiser and more like an awesome time out- but they are indeed fundraisers, and we depend on them. 

This time, we are counting on 'Love Roulette' probably more than any other fundraiser we've held.  Without the funds to create 'The Deconstruction of a Drag Queen', we simply don't think we'll be able to give the piece the sparkle, the spunk, and the absolute love and attention it deserves.  It's so important that we continue to improve your experience with CCdd's shows.  So bare with us as we advertise the pants off of all our upcoming events- and let us love you on February 11th and provide you with a memorable evening, and some wine and dessert- all for a little more than our normal ticket price. 

Make sure you get this ticket ahead of time- as we have very limited seating for this one-night-only event.  With any luck we'll sell out- but we've got a long way to go to get to that magical place today. 

Visit our main page- today to nab your seat.  And oh- hey?  Can't make it and still want to help?  Well- you're welcome to donate (The 'click here to donate' button is very inviting at the top).  But once again- we want to give you a good time, and we would LOVE to see your beatiful faces at all our events, so come on out! 
