I learned a lesson: it's terribly hard to blog during tech week. I brought my laptop to rehearsal every day this weekend, fully intending to take an hour of downtime to take pictures, or chat with a designer...but that didn't really work out.
I love tech. Honestly, I just love theatre (doy). I really do. Nothing about being in a tech for 8 hours makes me feel bored. Tech is an exciting adventure full of drama, hidden plot twists, and lots of really good snacks. What's not to like about that? I mean, check out how cool-looking our set/media/lights all look together at the top of ACT 1:
It's really such a thrill seeing your art come together. And while tech can be incredibly stressful- knowing that we're all working together in the dark/cold space for that goal...well it makes it all ok.
My good friends know that I do tend to get anxiety during these things. I'm a perfectionist. I want the opportunity for my hard-working actors to engage in all of the elements of the play for a long time before we open...but that doesn't always work out unfortunately. Sometimes it just isn't until the last minute that you get a sound, a prop, a costume piece, a bit of media- or more. And honestly? That freaks me out.
But it is exciting, working to make it right. And it's going to be pretty wonderful when it gets there...and after the bit of hold-ups we encountered- I know it will get there. My designers are champions.
The best thing about this weekend was that whenever I felt stressed I found one of my cast members and checked in with them. I know I go on and on about my cast...but they really are a special group of young people. I mean, look at Shannon in her costume:
How could anyone feel worried with an excited face like that in the room? This is the kind of sweet energy they all give me constantly. Hugs, jokes, smiles, stories, and hammocks- my cast, crew, and designers are full of them. That to me makes the best environment for creativity and process. I've certainly been involved in techs that have been ruled by anger and fear....I prefer an environment of respect and consideration.
That's just me.
Want another cell phone tech pic? Well here you go!:
I imagine I've got one or two more AZ Journal entry in me friends....so stay tuned for the big finale. (: WE OPEN 'RED PLANET RESPITE' ON FRIDAY! AHHHH!