Katherine Harroff
Artistic Director
Katie has an MFA and a BFA. She acts a lot, writes a lot, has sat through a lot of theory classes, has devised a lot of art with a lot of different kinds of people, and has enjoyed every second of it. This company is her attempt to take everything she has learned and loved about Theatre and put it all in one place with the help of an amazing group of artists who also have a ton of different kinds of experiences to bring to the table. It is her belief that Collaborative Community-Based art is really where it is "at" when it comes to Contemporary Theatre. She is humbled by this entire experience and is growing every day. She thanks you for reading, thanks you for sharing, thanks you for making space for this wildly different experience in the already crowded art world. She basically just thanks you for giving a hoot. We'll keep on as long as you are here.

Soroya Rowley
Community Outreach Coordinator
She is From... Campo, CA
She Graduated from... University of San Diego with a BA in Theatre Arts
Her day Job is... Administrative Assistant with the Center for Educational Excellence at The University of San Diego
Her Circle Circle dot dot credits are... San Diego I Love You 3.0 (actor); Naughty or Nice (director/writer); Red Planet Respite (actor); No Place Like Home(writer/director); Bearded (actor); The Warrior’s Duet (dancer); DerbyWise (Costume Design); San Diego, I Love You (Co-Wrighter); Street. Art. Prophets (actor and scenic painter); Deconstruction of a Drag Queen (Costume Design); Ragnarok (actor); The Break-up Breakdown (actor)
She has worked with... The Old Globe (Community Voices Project), Cygnet Theatre (Patron Services Manager), Playwrights Project (Actor), Arizona State University (Resident Artist), New Play Café (writer), Write Out Loud (Actor), Otherwise Entertainment (Ring Mistress), and with the rock band Damn Riot (singer/songwriter)
She caught the theater bug... at age 12 when she was cast in the Mountain Empire High School production of The Nightmare Before Christmas. The play was staged in the schools multi-pupose room (Caffeteria/Theatre/Basketball Court/ Homecoming Dance Floor). She played a news reporter and had 2 lines.
She Likes... Animals, especially puppies.

Crystal Brandan
Production Assistant
Crystal is originally from El Centro Ca, has a BA in Theatre from SDSU, is a licensed Massage Therapist and sings in two bands. Crystal has stange managed for SDAART, Playwrights Project and of course Circle Circle dot dot. Crystal first worked with CCdd starting in spring of 2012 and became a company member in 2013. A dream of Crystal's is to write and help produce a play about the struggles of queer people of color. An activist for the queer community and all other marginalized people, Crystal hopes to shed light on these communities through theater. With the help from this amazing company there is hope to give a voice to communities that are hidden from the mainstream. It is a very exciting time for CCdd! Crystal thanks: Mom, Yanina, Vanessa, My “office” Guys, Royal Sh**s, RCx. Mr. Nick, Jay Sheehan, Peter Cirino, SDSU and Mueller instructors/classmates. The love and respect Crystal has received from those closest is the driving force behind all that has been and will be.

Taylor Wycoff
She is From... Evergreen, CO
She Graduated from... University of San Diego with a BA in Theatre Arts and International Relations
Her day Job is... Director of Outreach and Education at Cygnet Theatre
Her Circle Circle dot dot credits are... San Diego, I Love You 3.0 (actor); Naughty or Nice (actor); Red Planet Respite(dramaturg); No Place Like Home (actor); Bearded (actor)
She has worked with... Cygnet Theatre (Dramaturg, Director of Outreach and Education), Mo`olelo Performing Arts Company (Dramaturg, Consensus Organizer, Production Manager), Playwrights Project (Actor, Teaching Artist), Scripps Ranch Theatre (Actor) The Old Globe (Actor in Community Voices program)
She caught the theater bug... When she was 7 years old. Her parents took her to see the Evergreen Children's Choral perform Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. About halfway through "Go, Go, Go Joseph" my dad leaned over to her and asked, "would you like to do that?" and without tearing her eyes from the stage all she could do was nod vigorously and watch. She auditioned for the Children's Chorale the next summer and the rest is history!
She Likes... Pho

Jon Hyckaby
Production Assistant
He is From... Nebraska
He Graduated from... San Diego State University
His day Job is... Production fellow at the San Diego Rep
His Circle Circle dot dot credits are... Street.Art.Prophets (ASM); Derbywise (ASM); Bearded (ASM/Actor); San Diego, I Love You (Actor); No Place Like Home (Actor); Naughty or Nice (SM)
He has worked with... New Village Arts (SM), San Diego Rep (SM), New Vantage Theater (SM), Playwrights Project (SM)
He caught the theater bug... Stage managing at San Diego state. Since graduation he has had the privilege of stage managing numerous productions with circle circle dot dot as well as other various companies.
He Likes... Music!

Patrick Kelly
Technical/Managing Director
He is From... Irvine, CA
He Graduated from... San Diego State University with a BA in Theatre performance
His day Job is... Client services Rep for Arts People ticketing services
His Circle Circle dot dot credits are... The Break-Up/Break-Down (Actor/Set Designer); Ragnarok (Actor); Deconstruction of a Drag Queen (Set Designer); Invasion (Actor); Street Art Prophets (Actor); San Diego, I Love You (Director); San Diego, I Love You 2.0 (Director); Bearded (Director); No Place Like Home (Actor); Red Planet Respite (Actor); Naughty or Nice (Director); Wrenegades (Director)
He has worked with... Cygnet Theatre (Actor, AD, Electrician), Moxie Theater (AD, Actor), Diversionary Theater (Actor) Triad Productions (Actor), Common Ground Players (Actor), Ira Aldridge Players (Actor), Playwrights Project (Actor), The Old Globe (Actor in Community Voices program), 2013 San Diego Fringe Festival (Production Director)
He caught the theater bug... In Middle School his best friend suggested they take the musical theater class, because his brother said it was an easy A. He fell in love with the arts and continued on full steam ahead.
He Likes... Puzzles